Rust-proof your business to thrive and survive

Business professionals discussing strategies for business resilience and growth

Our motor vehicles are susceptible to rusting due to our proximity to the sea.  To prevent this happening our vehicles have been given coats of rust-proofing to manage and protects its framework for longevity.  How will you protect your workplace given the threat in 2020?

Rust erodes and destroys the integrity of metal …

The COVID-19 pandemic has created extraordinary situations which have significantly impacted workplaces and people and how we run and/or will run our workplaces.  Whilst COVID-19 has brought high risk; the risk strategies enacted by government and the states, in turn have created challenges in that new risks have been introduced into our workplaces operations.

Managing workplace risk in extraordinary times …

At the same time, SafeWork NSW, our regulator has reminded us that the WHS Laws have placed an obligation on us, that includes the management of COVID-19 risk associated with all the operations of our workplaces.

Rust-proof your business to thrive and survive » sea rusting

Risks stop and rob your workplaces of income

Here is how FOCCALE Safety Management can help your workplace manage the risk and meet your obligations.

An uncontrollable risk that needs review

If you have a “Working from Home” arrangement for yourself or your staff we can:

  • Carry out Ergonomic assessment and adjustments at their homes/office
  • Recommend suitable equipment such as chairs and accessories
  • Fit a chair to the person
  • Help where staff may have pre-existing condition that can be exacerbated
  • Educate on management strategies and
  • Provided online training and support for those in remote locations

Ensure your policies and procedure will protect your business

Where, and as operations and work activities have changed, we can “Review the Policies, Procedures and the Work Premises” to assist with:

  • identifying the gaps,
  • make recommendations
  • providing advice to help with risk mitigation
  • Update and develop policy and procedures and
  • Provide support to ensure compliance with safety management.

We understand that each workplace is unique and are happy to take any questions.

The cost of the Ergonomic Service is $200.00 per assessment.

The Review of Policies and procedures and the Work premises are varied and depend on the complexity of the workplace.  We are happy to discuss your requirement.

The amendments to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) has finally passed by the State Legislative Council on 4 June 2020 and commenced operation on 10 June 2020; so the review of your WHS policies and procedures may be timely too.

“Unmanaged risk can ruin you and your business.
Riskproof your business, as you would your car!”

SafeWork NSW Inspectors focus on the building & Construction Industry
Picture of Faith Eeson

Faith Eeson

Faith has over 20 years experience working in a large government organisations; medium and small business organisations with roles from administration, Workplace Safety Management System (OHSMS); Injury Management and Rehabilitation; Safety Audit; Records Management, Investigation and Training. Faith has owned and managed various business such as boutiques, retail stores and currently a commercial cleaning service and safety management businesses.



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